Thursday, March 3, 2016

Happy literacy day!

It was literacy day at school so nora dressed up as fancy Nancy! :) love her! 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

14 months

I know his time as a baby is winding down (Tiny tears) by he is still so darn snuggly. So after he fell aslee on me I just held him and fell asleep a little too. Because I am going to miss this so so much quite soon. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Summer's end

Summer is winding down- and on one hand that makes me happy to get back in an academic routine, but also sad for the carefree days to come to and end. We have traveled a lot this summer so getting in a groove and meeting some people my be nice. 

But anyway- today we had a doc spot and on the way home I decided it was so nice out an ice cream cone was called for. So we went to our fav place, Graham's, for a cone. Or three comes to be exact. And bayba had some of mine 😁Nora is really into taking pics so Bridget posed while Nora snapped away promoting some awws from passer bys. These are the moments i want to remember forever. And when carefree gets tough- to remember the amazing moments during carefree that mean so much!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

P-o-p to the p-o-p

We drove to Ohio this weekend to see my p-o-p, aunt Susan, uncle Dave, jelly and AJ and Erin and her bf hank. Soooo much fun seeing my cousins- and sooo good to see my pop pop. 😘 love my family. 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Kansas City

So I hopped in the car with the kiddos and drove to KC for a few days. The drive really wasn't so bad. And it was so so good to see everyone and have a taste of the things that once were again. And extra awesome to see the kids running around with their friends. A piece of my heart will always be in KC. ❤️πŸ’™

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Bayba play pen

He's on the move and making life a lot more hectic! So I decided it was time for the gates 😁 this way he can crawl around and explore, but I feel safe turning my back to most likely prep or clean up after one of the bajillion meals I make. (That's how it seems anyway!) bayba on the go!