Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Summer's end

Summer is winding down- and on one hand that makes me happy to get back in an academic routine, but also sad for the carefree days to come to and end. We have traveled a lot this summer so getting in a groove and meeting some people my be nice. 

But anyway- today we had a doc spot and on the way home I decided it was so nice out an ice cream cone was called for. So we went to our fav place, Graham's, for a cone. Or three comes to be exact. And bayba had some of mine 😁Nora is really into taking pics so Bridget posed while Nora snapped away promoting some awws from passer bys. These are the moments i want to remember forever. And when carefree gets tough- to remember the amazing moments during carefree that mean so much!

1 comment:

  1. Have a great year. I loved seeing you and the family at Irish Fest.
