Friday, February 15, 2013

Girls Day Out

Spending time with the girls alone can be a hard thing to schedule. Between the day to day life stuff, scheduling family time, and obviously having two kids, taking one out is a special occasion. But well worth it. This past week I had both a Nora day and Bridget day! A super successful week. 

Bridgey and I went to First Watch for brunch and Nora and I did a craft at Michael's and then went to Starbucks for Hot Chocolate. (She requested we go in and sit down. She loves her coffee shop time!) Love me my girlies!!!

Bridgey hiding her crayons down her dress. This is a new favorite activity. 
Girls brunch out! We had a nice older woman come up and talk to us- I think the site of a mom and baby brunching together is one of those flashback moments for moms with grown kids. That will be me one day- commenting to a young mommy!
Nora crafting a heart frame at Michaels. A free event! Score!
Hoooooooooooooot chocolate!!!!
Another selfy mommy and me shot!

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