Thursday, September 19, 2013

A day in the life of a kind of working, staying at home mom


So I have a little side gig right now and I am in the thick of the project. So I am trying to work when I have some spare time, but also get the other things done like make meals, clean up meals, prep for new meals, wipe butts- the usual.

I got a lot of chores done this morning with hopes to knock out some emailing this afternoon. I put Bridget down for a nap and Nora was playing in her room and this is what happened:

#1- Bridget climbed out of her crib. Went upstairs and put her back in.
#2- Bridget climed out again and said she had to go to the bathroom. I took her. She went. Back in her crip.
#3- Nora came out of her room and said she had to go to the bathroom. #2. Wiped her butt. Came back downstairs.
#4- I decided to make some chai tea between #2 and #3 and then it bubbled over while wiping a hiney. Mess all over my stove, slightly burned tea. I drank it anyway and left the goo on the stove (for now)
#5- Bridget is still talking upstairs. Maybe she is not in her crib. Maybe she is. *sigh*
#6- Nora is bored of playing. She comes downstairs and can't find her Little Mermaid coloring book among the 20 other coloring books she has and HAS TO have this one. She is whiney. Oh thank God she found it.
#7- I responded to one email. wrote one to my BBM table. Checked Facebook. Checked Totally Target. Paid a bill. wrote another email. And then decided to blog.
#8- I just got a text message.
#9- My mind wanders- Maybe i should make cookies with Nora instead of work. I am working all day tomorrow. Why do I even bother doing anything work realted during naptime again????
#10- Maybe I should work now. Nora is coloring. Oh and I think I went to the bathroom somewhere between #6 and #7.
#11- I worked for a little Nora now wanted to watch a movie.
#12- put a movie in. went back to the computer. too many previews. went back and fast forwarded them. sat down. the movie needed to have the play button pushed. got up- hit play. sat down.
#13- I hate this number
#14- put the laundry in the dryer
#15- sent an email.

blah blah blah blah blahh.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Just a spoonful of Bridgey

From New to Two. That is all. *sigh* *tiny tears* *excitement* #nextchapters #shewasacrazynewbornbutisanawesomekid (can I hashtag on a blog???) 

Back to School

It was back to school time a couple weeks ago. Nora is in 4-year-old preschool, and Bridget is doing a Kids Day Out program one day a week. Both are soooooooooo excited for the new year. We met Nora's teacher, and then had a little BTS photoshoot. My girls are getting sooooooooooo big. It's so awesome. And so crazy at the same time. 

Nora's Classroom

Nora and her teacher. I swear she is excited. 

The Owl Room!

Back to School pics!

B is for Bridgey

Loveable Bean

Oh yeah- and then we stopped at the bank and they had a free ice cream day. So but of course we partaked (partooked?  we took part in???) whatever- we ate some :)

Somebody Loves You!

I'm loving this video. I'm loving that it took place in Salt Lake City. My kids loved watching it too. I want to show them that love comes in all shapes, sizes and sexes and it's all good when it's real, loving and supportive. I love it.

Denver and Brecks

Denver super fun! We went to visit my mom, Mr. Scott, Das Fut and KK and also a quick getaway to Brecks. :) Wreck it in Breck Brah!

Fitting in- KK, Das Fut and Bean Pod Style
We went to a Butterfly garden- it was so cute!
Nora even held a tarantula!

We had a double date with KK and Das Fut and then this happened. 
My cute KK Sister sue.

In Breckenridge- Nora posing with any and every statue she can find. 

Dress ups at the child museum. 

Driving in the car at the museum.

Gondola rides!!!!!!!

Jumping on the trampoline- Nora was sooooooo jazzed about this. And then she started flipping. It was aweseome. We loved watching her and she had a blast. 


A family photo.

Jewels Z Jewels

Apparently Bridget is super jazzed about the jewel craft project, but she missed the memo that the jewels go on the craft...not her head.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

So Wake Me Up

I'm totally in love with this song. Yes. It's top 40. Come on people- it's me and all. I have been listening to top 40 since before I knew it was called Top 40. I thought I would mature and change and suddenly be all  musically magiced into someone deep and meaningful about artists and stuff...but it still hasn't happened.

And that's part of the reason I love this song. It is top 40- but it is dancey and country at the same time- and the lyrics are great and I am trying to figure them out. It isn't like Top 40 brainless (maybe it is and I am making it more of bigger deal) but- it is also mysterious.

I am part enthralled because I can't figure out if Avicii is being a smart ass, or is being depressed, or finding God and trying to follow Jesus, or just in love with someone and fine with being stuck in the love with this person that maybe people dissapprove of- so then he is all like- whatever people if you want me to grow up and mature into something else and evenutally open my eyes that this person isn't for me then ill just stay stuck here forever so go whatever- eff off.

Or maybe it's just about growing up. Finding your way in life. Making your path. Following your path. Creating your own life. Not knowing that you were searching for something until you found it and had an Aha moment. This is where I should be. This is what I should be doing. This is who I should be with.

But whatever. For some reason I want to turn up this song uber loud and dance around and fist bump and head bang. And maybe I have. Fine. Whatevs.

Listen and read:

Friday, September 13, 2013

Chunk of P is Forty

So this has been in my blog que for quite some time. I better blog it before it goes to the bloga boo hoo never to be published files. Basically P-chunk turned 40 and we celebrated with a surprise birthday party. I started planning it in Janurary and I am proud to say that it stayed a surprise. I couldn't have done it without  my amazing sister-in- law Meghan and super friend Miss Amanda~ yay to the peeps of the world. 

The Deets:

Theme: Wig and Stache Bash
Reason: Celebrating P-chunk's 40 years
Where: Coal Vines- AKA the old Reverse that we hung out at all the time many moons ago.
What happened: Peopel wore wigs and fake mustcahes and posed with silly stuffs for pictures and drank and ate and were merry. 
People who came: the most bestest in the land. 

What a great night. Truly in the top nights of adulthood lifetimes.