Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Denver and Brecks

Denver super fun! We went to visit my mom, Mr. Scott, Das Fut and KK and also a quick getaway to Brecks. :) Wreck it in Breck Brah!

Fitting in- KK, Das Fut and Bean Pod Style
We went to a Butterfly garden- it was so cute!
Nora even held a tarantula!

We had a double date with KK and Das Fut and then this happened. 
My cute KK Sister sue.

In Breckenridge- Nora posing with any and every statue she can find. 

Dress ups at the child museum. 

Driving in the car at the museum.

Gondola rides!!!!!!!

Jumping on the trampoline- Nora was sooooooo jazzed about this. And then she started flipping. It was aweseome. We loved watching her and she had a blast. 


A family photo.

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