Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Back to School

It was back to school time a couple weeks ago. Nora is in 4-year-old preschool, and Bridget is doing a Kids Day Out program one day a week. Both are soooooooooo excited for the new year. We met Nora's teacher, and then had a little BTS photoshoot. My girls are getting sooooooooooo big. It's so awesome. And so crazy at the same time. 

Nora's Classroom

Nora and her teacher. I swear she is excited. 

The Owl Room!

Back to School pics!

B is for Bridgey

Loveable Bean

Oh yeah- and then we stopped at the bank and they had a free ice cream day. So but of course we partaked (partooked?  we took part in???) whatever- we ate some :)

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