Because yoga kicked my butt and im so super sore but like awesome sore. And im so tired because im pretty sure i never sat down this whole week. And i am laying in bed now while p handles the chillins while i watch des find her true love on the bachelorette since it always works out and everyone is there for the right reasons. Because at some points of this week i feel like i failed as a mom and i am freaking about bridget biting and i feel like my kids are super sweet but lately they then get with a group and turn into terrors! i learn how to be better everyday- and through it all i munched my kids 10,000 and tried to teach them a little something and show them a lot of love.
So now its friday and my mom is trying to get to kc so she can also munch my kids and show us all a lot of love. Because even when i said growing up i swore i wouldnt be like her- im glad there are parts of me that are exactly like her. And she did teach me valuable things. Like how to stand up for yourself while pumping gas to the jackass that takes your spot.
And thankfully where i lack, my patrick picks up the slack. Like now when i am so done done done and he is bathing the girls.
And i really want to see oprahs speech to harvard about how we all want to be validated in what we do. I thought about that a lot today and as always oprah is right. It is what we all seek. To be validated we are doing a good job we are making a good choice or we at least are good people and deserve all these things if perhaps we are confused. Where is oprah when i need her most in all my momness and anxieties about momin' it and whateverin' it i am going through each day?!? Oh oprah i miss thee!
And im sick of people saying we should slow down, or get busier, or buy this, or whatever to that. Or be one way and not another. Or maybe, just maybe we could open our hearts to new ways of doing things, or stop cutting each other down because we are insecure about our own shizs. Hey- maybe we could learn from each other and find the balance that works and not be extreme in any one direction- and duh its a work in progress anyway. if i want to do things with my kids because i like to, and then someone says we do too many activities with our kids and pinterest is the worst and blah blah blah and we should slow down and then suddenly thats what we should do? I mean valid points to a point- but again can we just do what makes us feel whole? If you garden and cook organic and sing kum bah ya- are you suddenly uber in? Is simple and slow the new active and busy? Who really cares anyway? Can we be simple and busy and happy and peaceful all at the same time?
So whatever this post actually means i have no idea. I just played plane with my kids and now im back to laying around. I missed them. Because i can. I can miss them and love them and have them drive me nutsola all at the same time right?!?! and if that is an unpure not simple thought- i would challenge any mom to say they never ever got unnerved by their children. I mean in the pioneer days on those ling road trips- did moms really never get annoyed?
That is all. Happy friday all ya'll.
You are both excellent parents and my grand nieces are superb humans. I hope this helps with validating you. If you are ever in doubt I will be glad to reassure you of your excellence .