Nora gets the most improved swimmer girl award. Last summer was painful after a scary incident at swim lessons that turned into a fear of the water most of the season.
This year by the end of swimming pool season- she was jumping off of a diving board (multiple times i may add) and loving it.
To keep up the momentum- we put her in another round of lessons that started today. Here's the leason in pictures:
Well it started with Nora falling asleep on the way there---dont worry her fan remained upright. |
This was her face when she realized I didn't bring her goggles. |
This was her face after I showed her the previous picture and she realized she was being redic. |
This was Nora practicing holding her breath. |
And this is her in the water. She went facedown for 3 seconds (a huuuuge improvement) NOT crying- actually laughing/splashing and LOVING it! Hoorah! |