Sunday, October 13, 2013

First Haircut for Bridge!

It was getting out of control. I cut Nora's too early and said I wasn't going to cut Bridget's until she was 20- but I caved.

Off we went to get a snippet. I overpaid to have them cut about .1 inch off her head- but it does bounce a little bouncier and curl a little curlier- so they probably did something I couldn't have done. No tears and a lollipop at the end equals success.

Pre-cut. This is sometimes how Bridget it really is pre-cut smiles. 

There is a TV in front of her. When a TV is on my kids zone- so that's a good thing when it comes to haircuts and other times when you just want your kids to zone out and tune out. 

An after cut french braid!

Bean got a trimmers too. So proud of her sister. 

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