Thursday, October 10, 2013

Nora sleeping- Part One

I have been wanting to do this post for quite sometime. Basically Nora gets herself so tired that she randomly falls asleep places. This has been going on since last summer- but is always super hilarious when it happens. So folks, here it is. Nora falling asleep randomly, unexpected and sometimes in random places. Part One. Since the pictures are on my phone and take awhile to upload- this will be a 3-4 part series I'm guessing. Enjoy!

I remember she was playing and then the next thing I knew she went to the couch and fell asleep like this. (notice the drool)

Eating dinner can definitely be exhausting. 

This was last summer. More exhausting dinners. 

Ipad playing. All those aps...

She fell asleep in the car. I put her in the stroller- went to a cupcake place, put her back in the car and drove home. She slept the whole time. 

We were at a loud outdoor concert here. 

Yup we are surely at Target. 

A random ride home from somewhere. 

Yeah we are once again at Target. Look how little Bridge looks here- awwwww. She's all- what the heck sister.

A princess needs her beauty sleep (bike riding sleep)

This was on the way to a Halloween party last year. 

And sometimes she just pulls down a blanket and drifts to dreamland.

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