Sunday, October 21, 2012

Girls Weekend

I mentioned in an earlier post that I have amazing friends. Two of my bestest friends are Kate and Molly (Mich and Mold) I met them in junior high, and we have been friends since. I mean, we had our high school girl moments during the weird ages of adolescence, but we laugh about it now.

I am super lucky to have these two ladies in my life, yes blessed even (here is the word again) but it's used appropriately here and is so true. Though we have busy lives full of kids, jobs, husbands, family, and we live in three opposite parts of the country now (Molly-Baltimore, Kate- Arizona, Me- Kansas City) we decided last year when I moved from our 'home base' of Chicago that we would do a trip once a year to one of our locations (or perhaps a 3rd party destination in the future) to have a weekend of girlie fun. I was lucky to see each of them when they would come to visit their families when I lived in Chicago. So last year they came here, and this year we went to Kate's house. It ended up being perfect timing for all of us, too. And we planned it this past summer before lots of other things popped up in our lives. It's funny how some things just work out.

The theme of the weekend was friendship, celebration and bacon. Yes, folks, our vegetarian friend, Molly, has fallen a bit off the wagon into what she calls the 'gateway meat.' Each day she enthusiastically ate some. And I don't mean a little corner from the top, I am talking full on, whole pieces (yeah I even italicized)

A weekend recap: 

Every girls trip needs to start with pedicures, right?

Dinner out- Molly ate meat here too :) I love it, I really love it.

We had this fun fondue desert where I asked for extra marshmallows because our fondue originally came out cold. So Molly and I are re-enacting eating some.
A mysterious diet coke was delivered to our table, refilled even. But we didn't order it, but still got charged...oh well. We had to get a picture because it was funny.
We did something AWESOME here, but it's a secret. Let me just tell you that Mich and I could not be prouder of our awesome, amazing, you know you have the best ever blah blah on the planet. Anyway- you will find out soon what we did. We were up for hours working on it.

Saturday we went shopping since I love to go to malls!

And then we put on our artist hat later Saturday night and painted our own picture. Mich had a well planned itinerary for us, which included this fun and unique adventure. Everyone in the class paints the same picture, but we chose some different colors than they showed to make ours go better with our houses. This was so fun, and I want to try it again!

I love this picture because it is so hilarious. I just love the turn around and take your own picture option on the iPhone.

Painting! We all agreed Molly mixed the perfect periwinkle, blue color.
This is my photo. It is starting to come together.

Ooooh vases.
Molly, Mich, Carrie (Kate's SIL- cool as hell) and me. All of us artists! (and I say the word "artist" like 'Are-teest') but of course.
The next morning was go home day for us, and we started the day off with more bacon.
A series of awesome.
I tried to get a picture of a big rock Arizona thing to prove we were in Arizona.
My flight was later on Sunday, so Mich and I went to Michael's so I could learn her how to make a wreath. (Um- FYI-I wrote that on purpose just to clarify that I would not know the proper use of the word.)
A ribbon wreath, too!
Clearly I was an awesome teacher because this is what I did when wreath making was going on.

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