Thursday, January 24, 2013
Monkeying Around
Just some diddys of the girls enjoying the weather that was unusually warm last saturday! And being silly heads as they are. :)
Monday, January 21, 2013
On Another Note...
My pastor, well he is a lot of people's minister really, but the pastor of the church we joined was asked to give the sermon tomorrow at the National Prayer Service during the inauguration. Yes. Last I checked being called by the President of the United States or one of is people is a pretty big deal.
Check out this link:
He is a great minister, and I am learning so much. I have never enjoyed going to church as much as I do now. Patrick says the same thing. He is just so great, makes so much sense, is cutting edge with technology and brings the latest trends into his sermons, he leads the congregation to do great things...the list goes on and on. I am not surprised one bit he was asked to lead the National Prayer Service sermon.
I shall talk about my spiritual journey perhaps in another post. I have always been a pretty religious person- but now I am learning, enjoying and making sense of the things that happen in life. Both P and I am so glad I found this church, and my girls have too.
High five Pastor Adam!
De Plugging Bridgey
Well we did it. We de-plugged. That means no more pacifier in case you were all- what is a plug exactly. Right. Yes.
I told my parents as teachers home visit person lady that I would have her de-plugged by our next visit in February. I also said right after the new year, and I said it a few months ago too.....
So finally on Friday I was like- that's it. We are done. We don't have any out of town guests for awhile, or vacations planned, or whatever other excuses I use. I went through terror with Nora on it, so this would be different.
De-plug stats:
Friday Night: Not too bad- cried for 10 minutes, slept through the night until 6:15am.
Saturday Nap: Also not too bad- wow. 10 minutes, slept for 2.5 hours.
Saturday Night: She was so tired since we spent the afternoon at the park, yes the park in January. Woot! She just cried for about 10 minutes again. Woke up at midnight briefly and then slept until 7:30. Went I went it at 7:30, she was only just jabbering to herself. Well- that's because she found a plug! I checked her bed on Friday, and Patrick said she was not plugged at midnight, so my best guess is she reached her bitty hand between her crib and the wall and found the treasure sitting on top of her pack-and-play mattress that we have shoved underneath her crib. DOH!
Sunday Nap: Not so hot. Cried for awhile. Like 30 minutes. Maybe it was the succulent plug she found only hours earlier, or maybe she had had it with this whole de-plugging nonsense. Anyway- it wasn't fun.
Sunday Night: Hardly any noise- maybe a few minutes.
Monday Nap: Horrific. She cried forever. She barely slept- maybe an hour. Then at the very end of my new Monday gym class I finally did get to (because this time I did not drop my kid) I got called out. They told me she was crying most of the time. Poor baby boo. I felt bad for her, but also frustrated that I thought things were all good and then we took major strides backwards. What to do what to do. Not give the plug back- that's for sure.
So tonight Patrick had a little pep talk with her. It went something like this:
P: "Bridgey, we are not going to sleep with a plug tonight"
B: Okay
P. "No crying, no screaming, okay?"
B: Okay.
P: "Do you want your blanket?"
B: Yeah.
P: "Night, Night Bridgey, I love you."
B: She laid down in her crib and then...Silence. Nothing. Nada. zip. Seriously not one peep.
Fingers. Crossed.
Oh- on another note- this week Bridget started saying I love you- only when prompted (before now she would give a kiss after I said I love you) BUT she told Reina tonight on Skype she loved her. No prompting, just said it as we were saying goodbye. And it is Reina's birthday. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww- it was the sweetest. :) love her. love her, love her.
I told my parents as teachers home visit person lady that I would have her de-plugged by our next visit in February. I also said right after the new year, and I said it a few months ago too.....
So finally on Friday I was like- that's it. We are done. We don't have any out of town guests for awhile, or vacations planned, or whatever other excuses I use. I went through terror with Nora on it, so this would be different.
De-plug stats:
Friday Night: Not too bad- cried for 10 minutes, slept through the night until 6:15am.
Saturday Nap: Also not too bad- wow. 10 minutes, slept for 2.5 hours.
Saturday Night: She was so tired since we spent the afternoon at the park, yes the park in January. Woot! She just cried for about 10 minutes again. Woke up at midnight briefly and then slept until 7:30. Went I went it at 7:30, she was only just jabbering to herself. Well- that's because she found a plug! I checked her bed on Friday, and Patrick said she was not plugged at midnight, so my best guess is she reached her bitty hand between her crib and the wall and found the treasure sitting on top of her pack-and-play mattress that we have shoved underneath her crib. DOH!
Sunday Nap: Not so hot. Cried for awhile. Like 30 minutes. Maybe it was the succulent plug she found only hours earlier, or maybe she had had it with this whole de-plugging nonsense. Anyway- it wasn't fun.
Sunday Night: Hardly any noise- maybe a few minutes.
Monday Nap: Horrific. She cried forever. She barely slept- maybe an hour. Then at the very end of my new Monday gym class I finally did get to (because this time I did not drop my kid) I got called out. They told me she was crying most of the time. Poor baby boo. I felt bad for her, but also frustrated that I thought things were all good and then we took major strides backwards. What to do what to do. Not give the plug back- that's for sure.
So tonight Patrick had a little pep talk with her. It went something like this:
P: "Bridgey, we are not going to sleep with a plug tonight"
B: Okay
P. "No crying, no screaming, okay?"
B: Okay.
P: "Do you want your blanket?"
B: Yeah.
P: "Night, Night Bridgey, I love you."
B: She laid down in her crib and then...Silence. Nothing. Nada. zip. Seriously not one peep.
Fingers. Crossed.
Oh- on another note- this week Bridget started saying I love you- only when prompted (before now she would give a kiss after I said I love you) BUT she told Reina tonight on Skype she loved her. No prompting, just said it as we were saying goodbye. And it is Reina's birthday. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww- it was the sweetest. :) love her. love her, love her.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Mama said there'd be days like this...
Today- Nora clogged a toliet while at Liz's house and the water over flowed into the bathroom floor. (-1) I literally reached my hand in the toliet to grab its contents in an effort to stop the spillage. (+1) I washed my hand like four times and placed it under a black light. (not really. It was blue) (you score this one.)
Then i dropped bridget on the sidewalk outside the gym later this day. (-1...probs -10) Yeah- i said drop. I dropped nora too (-1) but she was asleep so she was all like whaaaaaa???? (+1???) She just had a scrape on her thumb, but was pretty ticked at me. AKA she cried for like 20 minutes. I missed trying out the Strike class because of this debacle and held her awhile instead. (0. Or -1 still. You just dropped your kid. You better comfort her. Because when you drop your kid you should lose a privilege like gym class)
On happy note, the girls and pay had so much fun. (+1) I watched her today and it was a blast. Nora threw us all a party. (+1 for bean!) Plus i got to run an errand with only nora- a super treat. How did you do that you ask? Oh i went out when the babers were sleeping- that's okay right? (-1) Jk put the phone to DCFS down, i was at amandas house and she works from home so all was legal (+1 for miss amanda) (ya'll are like this lady drops her chillins and leaves them alone?!?!) Superfreak. I forgot about picture day at school too suckers! (-1) How's that for a trifecta?? Ah hahaha. (that is actually true. I shall discuss more in detail laterz)
Ahem- to redeem myself- We made cookies, and frosted them AND added sprinkes (+1) well liz pretty much ended up baking them, not me (-1) but i brought the stuff (+1) except and egg that liz provided (-1 +1 for liz) plus pay made one for miss amanda (+1) but no pics were taken because my phone was not letting me. (-1) I deleted some pics and then a nora mom pic happened later. (+1)
Bridget later forgave me and all is well.(+1) Funny thing about littles- you do something like drop them and all they want is you. Of course i felt beyond horrible and my scream when it happened probably terrified her more than the fall. Ive never dropped a human before (or canine now that i think about it) and hope its the last.
So what's my score? Still in the red? Yay super mom award her we come. (ps- the wrinkles on my forehead and bags under my eyes displayed proudly in this picture are courtesy of lack of good face cream, not motherhood. Must revise the budget to include...)
Then i dropped bridget on the sidewalk outside the gym later this day. (-1...probs -10) Yeah- i said drop. I dropped nora too (-1) but she was asleep so she was all like whaaaaaa???? (+1???) She just had a scrape on her thumb, but was pretty ticked at me. AKA she cried for like 20 minutes. I missed trying out the Strike class because of this debacle and held her awhile instead. (0. Or -1 still. You just dropped your kid. You better comfort her. Because when you drop your kid you should lose a privilege like gym class)
On happy note, the girls and pay had so much fun. (+1) I watched her today and it was a blast. Nora threw us all a party. (+1 for bean!) Plus i got to run an errand with only nora- a super treat. How did you do that you ask? Oh i went out when the babers were sleeping- that's okay right? (-1) Jk put the phone to DCFS down, i was at amandas house and she works from home so all was legal (+1 for miss amanda) (ya'll are like this lady drops her chillins and leaves them alone?!?!) Superfreak. I forgot about picture day at school too suckers! (-1) How's that for a trifecta?? Ah hahaha. (that is actually true. I shall discuss more in detail laterz)
Ahem- to redeem myself- We made cookies, and frosted them AND added sprinkes (+1) well liz pretty much ended up baking them, not me (-1) but i brought the stuff (+1) except and egg that liz provided (-1 +1 for liz) plus pay made one for miss amanda (+1) but no pics were taken because my phone was not letting me. (-1) I deleted some pics and then a nora mom pic happened later. (+1)
Bridget later forgave me and all is well.(+1) Funny thing about littles- you do something like drop them and all they want is you. Of course i felt beyond horrible and my scream when it happened probably terrified her more than the fall. Ive never dropped a human before (or canine now that i think about it) and hope its the last.
So what's my score? Still in the red? Yay super mom award her we come. (ps- the wrinkles on my forehead and bags under my eyes displayed proudly in this picture are courtesy of lack of good face cream, not motherhood. Must revise the budget to include...)
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Funny Times
A little recap on the random:
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Nora fell asleep mid playing with an Ipad. |
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Bridget and Pay were cute as always building a foam snowman together. |
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Elle painted Nora's face at Wonderscope.... |
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Then Nora returned the favor. Not sure if that's her concentration face or her facepainting face or what is happening to Nora's expression there... |
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Nora often seizes each day with a costume. Dressing up as a chicken was no exception. |
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Bridget ran away from me after I gave her a bath. |
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B played with her 'phone' (a calculator) |
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Living On Cash
I mentioned that we were simplifying our life. One way is by living on cash. Yup. While I actually would love to take the Dave Ramsey class, it doesn't fit into over overscheduled schedule at the moment. So we are just seeing out this goes. Well- we are trying it for one month anyway.
In an effort to save more money, we are trying to see how it will go by budgeting for everything (food, entertainment, eating out etc.) ahead and when the money runs out- it runs out. This may mean having to say no to a lunch or dinner on the town. Or to other exciting things. But, I am going to need a new car soon as my beloved Toyota has 106K on it and we want other things in life too... I feel like I needed to take control and stay ahead of the curve. So why not try it. Why not save more for the important things?
So I will tell you about our cash only journey. So far it has been eye opening. Our 'Miscellaneous' fund went rather quickly- we only have $20 left for the week. After ballet garb, new jeans, shoes and stuff for Patrick...well- yeah. Money goes fast. (calories come on fast and time also go fast. Why is this?!?!?) We have $10 for entertainment and $20 for eating out.
Today I went to Costco and had $60 to spend- and I spent $57. Yay! They were out of rotisserie chicken and I still have to buy one for the that actually puts me $2 over budget. Hmmm...I guess that is a fail then. I will have to pull from eating out, so that leaves $18 for eating out. Chic-fil-a on Tuesday night when Kids Eat Free perhaps????
I meal planned for two weeks (dinners) and still have two meals to cook, I cooked one tonight. We do leftovers and I have some 'quick' things like tuna melts, soup and grilled cheese- that kind of thing at least one night. So we are totally good there.
Of course couponing helps a ton. I think I saved $60 at Target last week and I already started my list and coupons. The only thing about couponing is that sometimes you buy for the future when you have great coupons and there is a sale. For instance Patrick will need deodorant soon since he reeks without it and all, and I have two coupons to use when you buy two and it's on sale, so it will be $4 for two. But does he NEED two right now? No. But WILL he? Yes. And WILL I be saving money buying them when they are on sale with two coupons? Yes. But when you only have X amount of dollars to spend for two weeks on food and household stuff, you start to think about it all differently. Ah!
We shall see.
I mentioned that we were simplifying our life. One way is by living on cash. Yup. While I actually would love to take the Dave Ramsey class, it doesn't fit into over overscheduled schedule at the moment. So we are just seeing out this goes. Well- we are trying it for one month anyway.
In an effort to save more money, we are trying to see how it will go by budgeting for everything (food, entertainment, eating out etc.) ahead and when the money runs out- it runs out. This may mean having to say no to a lunch or dinner on the town. Or to other exciting things. But, I am going to need a new car soon as my beloved Toyota has 106K on it and we want other things in life too... I feel like I needed to take control and stay ahead of the curve. So why not try it. Why not save more for the important things?
So I will tell you about our cash only journey. So far it has been eye opening. Our 'Miscellaneous' fund went rather quickly- we only have $20 left for the week. After ballet garb, new jeans, shoes and stuff for Patrick...well- yeah. Money goes fast. (calories come on fast and time also go fast. Why is this?!?!?) We have $10 for entertainment and $20 for eating out.
Today I went to Costco and had $60 to spend- and I spent $57. Yay! They were out of rotisserie chicken and I still have to buy one for the that actually puts me $2 over budget. Hmmm...I guess that is a fail then. I will have to pull from eating out, so that leaves $18 for eating out. Chic-fil-a on Tuesday night when Kids Eat Free perhaps????
I meal planned for two weeks (dinners) and still have two meals to cook, I cooked one tonight. We do leftovers and I have some 'quick' things like tuna melts, soup and grilled cheese- that kind of thing at least one night. So we are totally good there.
Of course couponing helps a ton. I think I saved $60 at Target last week and I already started my list and coupons. The only thing about couponing is that sometimes you buy for the future when you have great coupons and there is a sale. For instance Patrick will need deodorant soon since he reeks without it and all, and I have two coupons to use when you buy two and it's on sale, so it will be $4 for two. But does he NEED two right now? No. But WILL he? Yes. And WILL I be saving money buying them when they are on sale with two coupons? Yes. But when you only have X amount of dollars to spend for two weeks on food and household stuff, you start to think about it all differently. Ah!
We shall see.
Feel the (Zumba) Love!
Check out this photo. That lovely lady in the center changed this group. Some lost a lot of weight, myself included since I started after I had Bridget and felt like junk both physically and mentally. Some felt part of a group and met good friends. Some just had a ton of fun. Everyone was blessed with knowing Claudia- a sweet and wonderful person. This was more than exercising. I will miss her so much! Zumba love forever. It won't be the same after tomorrow. New chapters, new chapters. Here we go.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Let's Close Our Eyes and Hug
Yup. That's the exact line that Nora said to me this week at dinner. So we did. We closed our eyes and hugged. Several times. It was awesome. She cracks me up crazy style.
Also this week was super cool because Bean started ballet. She asked me to join and loves to flit about during our frequent dance jam sessions. She was all smiles before the class, but did get a little teary for a quick moment right when she was going into class. I guess a whole bunch of girls standing in a pod was a bit much- but she found her place quickly.
On a Bridget note- she told me she needed a change- then she made sure I knew how to change her. Yes- that's my Bridge.
So much on me brain- but I'll post a more brainy post when I have a moment to brainiac. I have been watching the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills followed by Vanderpump Rules- so I am in no position to use brain, the brain, the center of the chain..............(that is a song from the Babysitters Club Movie- duh) if you ever want me to show you the dance and the entire song, I'm sure you wouldn't have to twist my arm too hard.
Also this week was super cool because Bean started ballet. She asked me to join and loves to flit about during our frequent dance jam sessions. She was all smiles before the class, but did get a little teary for a quick moment right when she was going into class. I guess a whole bunch of girls standing in a pod was a bit much- but she found her place quickly.
Beany, Beany Ballerina. |
On a Bridget note- she told me she needed a change- then she made sure I knew how to change her. Yes- that's my Bridge.
So much on me brain- but I'll post a more brainy post when I have a moment to brainiac. I have been watching the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills followed by Vanderpump Rules- so I am in no position to use brain, the brain, the center of the chain..............(that is a song from the Babysitters Club Movie- duh) if you ever want me to show you the dance and the entire song, I'm sure you wouldn't have to twist my arm too hard.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Sometimes the art of getting kids dressed and teeth brushed, fed (this is out of order) hair combed and de-syruped and to be out the door by say, 10 am is enough to make a mama rip her hair out. Combine this with an almost 4-year-old who keeps running around and not independently doing these things as I know she can (and wants to) to hug and read to her sister, giggle and be silly...well- that just makes my heart melt. (does this sentence make any sense at all? there are many grammar errors in here- eh) perhaps not- but maybe you feel me? The kids are super cute together- and just getting funner by the second.
The girls have little conversations together, and Bridget answers Nora with appropriate responses. The distractions of getting ready are so dang cute lately, that while I do get crazy that it literally can 3 hours to do these seemingly simple tasks- I love watching them, listening to them, and of course, joining them in a hug-a-thon. These girls are amaze.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Gone Fishing
Ever heard the phrase if you want something done, give it to a busy person? Well- I totally agree with this saying. I mean, I have been busy- doing the things we all do that make us busy. Meal making, errand running, laundry folding, kid rearing, working out the bod, ya know junk like that. Oh and there was the holiday season that keeps us all busy present shopping and holly jollying.
But- really i have not been that crazy heart pounding busy i usually am, and my brain is starting to become a mush ball. I can actually feel it mushimizing. Because i have not been busy, i haven't blogged as regularly, or even caught up on the things i wanted to. (like organizing that messy drawer...) P-chunk has been off work for 2 weeks, which has been great, and we didnt travel for the holidays- a first for us. So i guess you could say we have just been enjoying our time and not checking crap off our list for once and just simply being.
It's weird- but i cant do this for very long. I need to go back out there and enter the world and grab it again by its balls before i get too comfortable in this bubble world i put myself in for the past few weeks.
Hello 2013- i'm entering you today. Hello people out there- thanks for understanding i bubbled myself for a second to simply be- and i know i'm not simple- so ill get back out there and be the craze person i usually am. Though my new years resolution is to simplify- i am more referring to finances and 'stuff.' The truth is that i like to be busy and not simple and whatever other words you have for that. I get more done, feel more accomplished, and more fulfilled as a person of society and personally when i have a lot on my plate.
Fill me up, Bessie. it's 6am and I'm ready.
But- really i have not been that crazy heart pounding busy i usually am, and my brain is starting to become a mush ball. I can actually feel it mushimizing. Because i have not been busy, i haven't blogged as regularly, or even caught up on the things i wanted to. (like organizing that messy drawer...) P-chunk has been off work for 2 weeks, which has been great, and we didnt travel for the holidays- a first for us. So i guess you could say we have just been enjoying our time and not checking crap off our list for once and just simply being.
It's weird- but i cant do this for very long. I need to go back out there and enter the world and grab it again by its balls before i get too comfortable in this bubble world i put myself in for the past few weeks.
Hello 2013- i'm entering you today. Hello people out there- thanks for understanding i bubbled myself for a second to simply be- and i know i'm not simple- so ill get back out there and be the craze person i usually am. Though my new years resolution is to simplify- i am more referring to finances and 'stuff.' The truth is that i like to be busy and not simple and whatever other words you have for that. I get more done, feel more accomplished, and more fulfilled as a person of society and personally when i have a lot on my plate.
Fill me up, Bessie. it's 6am and I'm ready.
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