Monday, January 21, 2013

On Another Note...

My pastor, well he is a lot of people's minister really, but the pastor of the church we joined was asked to give the sermon tomorrow at the National Prayer Service during the inauguration. Yes. Last I checked being called by the President of the United States or one of is people is a pretty big deal.

Check out this link:

He is a great minister, and I am learning so much. I have never enjoyed going to church as much as I do now. Patrick says the same thing. He is just so great, makes so much sense, is cutting edge with technology and brings the latest trends into his sermons, he leads the congregation to do great things...the list goes on and on. I am not surprised one bit he was asked to lead the National Prayer Service sermon.

I shall talk about my spiritual journey perhaps in another post. I have always been a pretty religious person- but now I am learning, enjoying and making sense of the things that happen in life. Both P and I am so glad I found this church, and my girls have too.

High five Pastor Adam!

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