Monday, November 5, 2012

18 days until...

BLACK FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(okay and one day until the election)

I have $240 in Target gift cards. I upgraded my coupon organization after seeing a guest speaker at Building Better Moms, the moms group at my church. Check out BOQ box of coupons, still organized my insert date (Q's as the coupon bloggers call them. she called hers BoB i like BOQ) but i could change the name, because i could. Because i can. Because i like changing names, including human names... Anyway moving on....

I can't WAIT for black friday. I am so jazzed I don't know what to do with all my energy.

Who's coming to Target at Midnight with me?!?!?!?!?!

PS- P and I STRONGLY disagree when we should put up our tree. Boo. Bad thing is he will probs win bc we broke down and got a fakey this year after the pine needles took over my life last holiday season. I need his help putting it together and rearranging the TV etc to make it all fit. We shall see- I think a paper, rock, scissors tournament is in our future.

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