Friday, November 2, 2012

An Ode to Zumba

It's funny how people who do their regular things and jobs can end up meaning so much to other regular people who go about doing regular things, even when they don't know the impact they are making- and may never be told fully.

When I first moved to Kansas last year, I was suffering from the baby blues, plus I didn't know many people, I had no family here, I had a 3 week old and 2-year-old, Patrick was traveling a lot, we were trying to sell our house back in Chicago, I was overweight from the baby fat...should I continue, or do you get the picture I was not the happiest person on the block.

Well anyway- I found Zumba.

Molly had been zumbaing and told me I would love it. So I joined a gym here and went for the first time. Okay- the first time I went was disaster, and I didn't end up going (it went something like this: go to gym, have to pee so bad almost peed my pants, couldn't find the bathroom in the new locker room, finally did. couldn't find zumba room, finally did and they had started already) so I didn't go in because I thought everyone would look at me weird, but little did I know the instructor was new too! It was only like her second class.

But the next Saturday I went. I got there on time. And I was hooked.

Soon I made my way to the front, started majorly zumabing and improved my appearance and my mood.

And my instructor rocks. She is so sweet, so fun, and makes class amazing. And she means so much to me, and I told her it once when we were at lunch, but I don't know if she really, really knows how much she impacted me, and I am sure so many other people. For serious, because of her I pulled myself out of the baby blues, met great people, had so much fun in class, and I can't even express in words how much the class and Claudia mean to me.

She will be moving soonish (but hopefully not too soon) and I am in denial. Though the first class back was hard, I bounced back, and I truly think my mood is improved again after everything that just happened because of this class.

Plus on a side note- I completely and utterly believe in exercise. When you are tired- exercise. When you are sad- exercise. When you feel happy, gross, depressed, mad, silly, stressed-out- exercise. When you don't want to exercise- exercise. When you want to bake a whole funfetti cake and eat its contents in a 10 minute span- well, you get it.It will change your life.

That is all. 

Here is a photo of Claudia and another student. We were the only two that dressed up for Halloween- I don't normally wear tutus to class. :)

<3 love ya, C!  

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