Thursday, November 1, 2012

Grad School + Work = Yawn and a half

I'm swamped. Like super, really, crazy, my house is a super bomb busy. (though I just spent the entire night cleaning so now it's at least not embarrassing bad) I really haven't been so busy as I have been in awhile. It's exhausting busy- busy where I need 20 minute naps, which I haven't taken regularly since college. But it dawned on my tonight that I am in college again, so maybe that's why the 20 minute naps are back. I'm so flipping tired I feel like sand paper is in my eyes.

And I feel so bad for not seeing or talking to my friends as much. I feel like I can't even keep up telling people no I can't do that, no I can't come over, sorry, I have to reschedule. I can barely text people a no. I can barely text! Texting takes two hands. I RARELY have two hands, even before school, but especially now.

I hope my friends and family understand. I hope they will still be there after it all. *sigh* On the good note- my group got our project in today- woot.

And of course I had to bring something for Nora' first preschool party. But she's 3 and I just HAD to bring something- right? But at least my super supportive husband helped out. We wrapped a bunch of lollipops up like ghosts and decorated peaches like pumpkins (Thanks Pinterest) That site has changed my world.

Making lollipop ghosts AND folding laundry. Woo hoo! Go P Go!

Of course I had to bring something *semi* healthy.

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