We have lots of weird ways of saying things here in the Burke household. So you can keep up with our lingo- here is a lesson on Burke Speak:
(in no particular order- just how it comes to me brain)
TWINK- Going tinkle. Do you have to go twink?
MINTENS- Green tea mints from Trader Joes. Can I have a minten???
TBO SHOW- A TV Show. Can I watch one TBO show?" asks Nora.
SHARKS- Cuticle cutters. Mommy, I have a hang skin, can you get the sharks?
PRINCESS- A pull-up. Nora, go put on your Princess.
COMFY COZIES- Pajamas. Time for comfy cozies!
PLUG- A pacifier. Where the F is a plug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says P-Chunk.
BIG BIG- A hug. Give me a big big. Go give her a big big.
10,000- Kisses. I am going to give you 10,000!
SPECIAL- Lip Gloss. "Mommy- can I have special?" asks Nora Burke
SNOW- Baby powder. Bridget usually says it the most When changing her diaper, "Snow?" asks Bridget, and then I sprinkle some on her belly.
PONY- Bridget's Toothpaste. "I want pony tooooooooo-" whines Nora.
AW JUNK- Oh crap (or other 4-letter words) Something spills on the floor- 'AW JUNK'
JUNK IN MY TRUCK- An extension of Aw Junk. Something really bad happened. Like Chocolate milk spilled! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AW JUNK IN MY TRUNK!!!!!!!!!
NO BIGS- Just the Burke Family Motto. No Big deal. Spilled milk? It's really no bigs.
GOOD IN THE HOOD- Another fav phrase. Everything A-okay? Nora- are you good in the hood?
PANCAKE FOOTIES- Coined by my sister. Bridget's feet, because they are wide and flat. "Are you wearing your pancake footies today!?!?!?!
A SIMPLE PONE- Ponytail. I am going to give you a simple pone, Nora.
PANDA ROOM- Nora's preschool. Do I get to go to the Panda Room today????!!!!???
CYCLOPS- The act of putting your nose and eyes together. "Gimme a Cyclops," says Nora.
THROW DOWN- To throw your kid on the floor and tickle them. Do I need to give you a throw down?
ZUMBA UMBA BUMBA ZUMBA- Zumba. The way Nora says it. ALWAYS. Mom, are you going to Zumba Umba Bumba Zumba?
GUMMIES- Vitamins. Who wants to get two Gummies?
SPA TIME- Bath time. Spa Time for Nally and Bridge Boo.
NALLY- Nora's nickname only when referring to spa time. As in Nora Allison. See sentence above.
BEAN, BEAN- Nora's mainstream nickname, and what Bridget calls her. Where is Bean, Bean?
KK- Kristen, as in my sister. "I love you KK," says Nora.
DAS FUT- Uncle Tim. Of course. FUT is Future Uncle Tim (when they were engaged) changed to Fun Uncle Tim. Now, if you look up the German meaning, you will find something else. Please google and you shall see. I refuse to type the word on my blog. Where's Das Fut?????
REINA- Grandma, as is my mom. I want to call Reina.
P-CHUNK- Patrick's nickname. What up P-Chunk.
GIGI- G-RAM- My mom-mom. GiGi is Great-Grandma, G-Ram is Grandma. Yeah GiGI (G-Ram!) Woot!!!!
BRIDGEY- Bridget. Duh. AKA- what used to be Emerson. hahahah Oh Bridgey, we love you.
MICH- Kate. Are you talking to Mich?
MOLD- Molly. Molly lives, way, way far away.
MISS AMANDA- Amanda. But you have to always, always call her Miss Amanda. Where is Miss Amanda's house?
SISSY SUE- Both Meghan and Molly, my Sister-in-Laws. Hi Sissy Sue! How are you? You are cool. Cool for school.
And probably one of the originals in my life that started my weirdo nickname, phrasey, new word selection of saying stuff:
ICING PILLOW (ICE)- My lovie. The first love of my life. My pillow. Where is MY ICE!!!?!?!? (frantically trying to find it in my bed at age 31)
More may come to my brain, but here is a start!
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