Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sensory Fun

There are buzz words I have learned now that I am a mom, and one of them is the word 'Sensory.' Sensory play, stimulating senses, etc. There are all sorts of things one must do to make sure children's sensories are being sensorized. I needed a more concrete definition to the word, so I turned to google. According to they define the word as:

1. relating to sensation and the sense organs - "heightened sensory awareness"

2. involving or derived from the senses

3. connected with the physical senses of touch, smell, taste, hearing and seeing

4. of, pertaining to, or transmitting stimuli to the senses.

5. conveying nerve impulses from the sense organs to the nerve centers - "sensory neurons"

This means I need to make sure to stimulate senses, and I guess telling Nora to go smell Bridget's butt for poop isn't exactly what the super moms of the world would say is sensorizing their kids. Yikes. To me it means something else I need to add to my to-do list to make sure my kids are being brought up as exceptional humans who will excel in society and score a 36 on their ACT.

BUT- what is most amazing is when a friend hosts a sensory play date and you can expose your children while hanging with friends and all you had to do is show up (late- because half way there you realized the fruit salad was still in your fridge, but hey- you got there with the dang fruit)  So all my debauchery aside a BIG thank-you to Laura for having us over for such a fun day and calming my frenzied mind that I am not sensing my kids enough!  I have checked a box off the to-do list for the moment. Your ideas were fantastic and everyone had a ton of fun. Some pics:

A fun baking soda colored vinegar fizzy fizz experiment

Bridget and Emily in the sand and water table

Miss Amanda, Payton and Bridge in a bucket full 'o' beans

Elle science experimentin'

Girl power!


Elle and Emily's playroom is the bomb diggety!

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